Sunday, September 9, 2007

"Don't Blame the Eater" Summaries

Summary #1
In an essay, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” the author, David Zinczenko argues that childhood obesity today is much in part due to the lack of convenient and inexpensive food choices for children. Zinczenko suggests that many children are forced to eat at un-healthy fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. because they cannot afford a healthier alternative. Although I understand where Zinczenko is coming from, I cannot say I agree with him. Subway, for example, is an inexpensive, healthy alternative to somewhere such as McDonalds. They advertise many different sandwiches that are under 7 grams of fat and offer bags of pre-sliced apples as a side dish. Another cheap, yet healthy option could be found at a grocery store. Grocery stores sell pre-made, pre-packaged salads, wraps, sandwiches and more which have the nutritional information right there on the package.

Summary #2
In an essay, “Don’t Blame the Eater,” the author, David Zinczenko, argues that children have the right to sue major fast food companies for “making them fat.” Zinczenko believes that fast food companies contribute to childhood obesity because their only concern is to make money, not how un-healthy the products they are selling are. According the Zinczenko children are looking for convenient, inexpensive places such as McDonalds, Burger King, Taco Bell, etc. to get their meals at. These children aren’t educated on the effects this food could have on them, for example diabetes, obesity, or cholesterol problems. I agree with Zinczenko that fast food companies are contributing to childhood obesity, although I don’t believe that suing the fast-food chains is the best solution. A better solution might be educating consumers about the risks of fast-food and teaching them about healthier alternatives.


Musicsmything said...

You bring up a good point as you talk about Subway and their fresh meals. I might take issue with that though, because even McDonald's is offering apples as a side dish. I believe that you agree with summary #2. It's a bit more convincing.

Jameela said...

I agree with what musicmything said about your Subway point. I think you agree with #1 however.

KaldariaQ said...

Exellent. I enjoyed reading both summaries, as I felt they had a clear tie in to the first half of Davids arguement and your own "spin". Very nice work.

Megan said...

I guess I sort of agree with both summaries. In a way, they go together. In summary #2 I said children should be educated about healthy alternatives to fast-food restaurants. Then, by using that knowledge they can go to places like Subway or grocery stores that I mentioned in summary #1.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Even though Subway is not that expensive, it is way more expensive than McDonald's and we cannot deny that fact ;-)

Unknown said...
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josef said...

I have read many summaries and responses of "Don't Blame the Eater" essay and I can say that you are a great writer. I have noted that you can write one of the best argumentative essays in the topic.

Many of the websites that I have seen have just given a one sided summary forget that readers need to have a balanced article that can show them both sides of the story. This is an example of a one sided article...