Friday, September 21, 2007

Synthesis Activity- Outline

Sources: “Computers and Technology” and “Who Needs Computers?”

The authors of “Computers and Technology” and “Who Needs Computers?” agree that incorporating technology into learning may not be the greatest idea.

-Agreement that computers in classrooms are not necessarily the best idea.

-The areas in which the authors agree.
*Computers make plagiarism easier.
*Computers take away from reading.
*Computers take away from the traditional method of teaching (using an actual person to teach).

-Wrap-up and re-state


Sara E said...

I like how your points would be the author's agreements. It is going to make your paper a lot more unified than mine haha.

Marcus R said...

I like your points too. It should be a great paper.

Juliet F said...

i like your thesis but i think you need to make it more specific.

Matt Miller said...

Your outline is simple and will make it easy to create your paper. While your thesis does tie the two article together, I agree that it may need to be more specific.

Anonymous said...

Very clear what your viewpoint is and how you will merge the two together, they are negative to education as a whole. Great points and good way to incorporate them in one.